Assigning a moral value to public health policy is a particular insidious development of the last 2 years. It is now common place and must be countered.
We all agree that medicine and public health have become far too political and partisan. The fix is available.
1. Government (Biden) must publicly communicate that the only goal is for people to live healthy and happy lives in their own terms. 2. He must say that vaccine mandates are bad but he believes that they are saving lives. That train has already left the station. 3. He must accept that natural immunity is a thing, vaccines don’t last, vaccines can’t beat Covid, and treatment of the disease both proactively and retroactively is the way forward. People ARE going to get sick. The messaging should be : we have the knowledge and technology to help you stay alive and it is getting better every day. Restoring trust in local doctors is the best and ONLY real path forward. The political leadership and bureaucrats must empower doctors and get out of the press. Period. 4. He must remove the masking mandates. They are too invasive and divisive and are distracting from the goal to save lives and make lives better. Pulling the explosives from this ongoing feud is critical. Leadership must focus on results. Masking doesn’t meet the standard of proof. It isn’t sustainable and consistent. Restoring any level of trust in government messaging will take years. It needs to start now. FWIW. I don’t think that he will do any of this because it requires honesty and integrity and it isn’t politically popular. He doesn’t care about results in my opinion, he and the political ruling and academic elite only care about power and control. This is why you MUST test daily weekly and anytime your overseers dictate.
If the powers that be can focus the population on tests then they can control you via administrative policy. Enforcement will of course be executed by non MD administrative functions. This is lunacy as it disintermediates medical professionals. Public health policy politicians that essentially ignore the impacts to mental health, cancer screenings, trust in medical establishment/system, access and hospital hesitancy, in favor of do what I say demigod delusions are a scourge upon the world. They prioritize the many over the few and they fail. The arbitrary and often wrong POLICY perpetrated by pseudo professionals is pathetic and the people must reject it. We need courageous doctors who care ultimately about their local patients first and foremost. Their individual patients always come first. Our MDs must stand against this idiocy. The reporting is a big rub as well. Testing is only helpful en masse if it includes reporting. The public should not be reporting directly to the govt on private health information. This only feeds the disease which is the fear and foolish control policies ignoring the real total impact to the public’s health. NIH, CDC and Government Public Health guidance is best consumed and managed by doctors, NOT the general public via media and social media. Public health politicians are drunk and addicted to power and money given to them by a panicked fearful population. The Solution? Ignore them and strengthen your relationship with your doctor. Local local. Local. Trying to quantify my disappointment in the public schools is seemingly impossible. Just when I think they can’t do any worse, another dysfunctional decision and approach is made clear. The equation seems to be designed to continue checking the existence box regardless of any measurable success criteria. Parents MUST retake control of their children’s education at all costs.
I recognize that a lot of those teachers are doing the very best that they can. It is simply NOT good enough. Lots of friends seem to be little confused. Here is what I mean when I say it.
1. Joe Biden is a bumbling failure as POTUS. We should Elect Republicans Everywhere. 2. No more lockdowns, EVER. No more mandatory masks, EVER. I won't be giving up ANY guns. 3. The liberal media is utterly corrupt and useless. The constant defense of the #idiotsincharge by altering the “news” is toxic. Doublespeak is real. 4. Biden policies are destroying more lives than the Republicans would have if they were in power. I am very bitter that the moochers in DC are in control of my livelihood. I'm already working to change that. 5. Government needs to stay the hell out of my life. 6. Covid pandemic is OVER. My respect for the federal government is at an all time low… and that is saying something because it was pretty low before all of this mess. 7. The current meltdown in Va schools is a tragedy. I blame BOTH Biden and Lord Northam of the blackface clan. 8. The constitution restrains the government, not the citizenry. In particular, the federal government is limited by design, and needs to be whack smacked down to size. 9. I would run for office and do a better job than these corruptoCrats but I can’t get elected because I’m honest and write things like this. 10. Big government is the problem, not the solution. Period. There are people that want to have eliminate advanced diplomas, lower standards to accommodate more at the expense of the few, and teach that success and livelihood is based on your race. They need choices.
Ban Critical Race Theory. Open charter schools now. Kids Lives Matter. Va must vote for hope and change. Vote for Glenn Youngkin for Governor. I used to be a gullible squishy Republican. I even voted for Bill Clinton twice. I am not anymore.
I learned and accepted that I was wrong. Liberals and moderates can do the same I think. Virginians/Conservative classical liberals must lead. We must get off the sidelines. I refuse to lower expectations and accept principles championed by murderous and despotic regimes. History and legacy is fact. Collectivism without competition and choice is toxic and destroys societies at scale and duration every single time. Globalism is a fallacy that requires America to fail ultimately. Get out and vote for republicans and life in every sense. Don’t go back. Leap ahead. Vote for Glenn Youngkin. Vote for school choice and charter schools. Vote to end the lockdown control mindset. Vote to empower parents and families. Vote for life. Vote for lower taxes, small businesses, and local local local impact. Vote to preserve and expand gun rights. Vote to support rule of law, police, and a strong military. Vote to put America and Americans first. Vote. Vote. Vote. A man is forced by mandate to get an injection for which there is NO medical need. Non compliance will cost him his job. This is not a valid choice for most. Sacrificing livelihood which provides for family and life is blackmail. It is immoral and wrong. It is deplorable and despicable.
If you support this and are willing to force compliance in spite of logic and the science you should be ashamed and you can barely cause yourself a free American. There is risk. There are consequences. You are indirectly responsible for this crap if it goes badly. When the choice was removed using the force of government contracts you were made culpable. I know of a case where the medical potential for harm is actually significantly greater than the benefit. Medical exemption denied. The mandate doesn’t care. The job is required for the future. The only choice is compliance. This is not honorable leadership, policy or example by the president of the United States. Shame on the defenders of this authoritarian insanity. Thus endeth the rant. I’m furious. It is possible that the mitigation and action plans and principles Republican leaning libertarians enforce to solve problems are wrong, damaging, and even wasteful. In my experience, this is not true.
Let’s look at the facts… on projects, businesses, career, livelihood, family…. If the person you are interrogating has solid (and successful records and answers at scale and duration for these areas of interrogatory, I think you should follow them, not tell them how right your utopian visions are… We all want to solve problems… I think liberals have bad ideas. Liberals most often think I’m a bad person. There is a difference. The patriot act and the virtually unilateral authorization to use force waging war after 9/11 were both tragic attacks on liberty and freedom. On this 20th anniversary of the inciting event I ask my fellow Americans to remember these failures and the role they played in our 20 year journey into soft totalitarianism collectivism. We allowed this March. Biden’s ineptitude and exploitation of his expansive power is a logical consequence that many of us saw coming and have fought publicly. Failing due to the fearful and often ill informed populace.
We all pay the price. Those lost heroically on 9/11 deserve better. I may appear to some to be an easy target. I assure you I’m not. I am not at fault and I didn’t contribute or cause your issues. I do care, and will try to help but even that has pretty firm limits. Major assistance comes with strings.
On the target thing… don’t test me. You won’t like me when I’m angry. I don’t even like me when I’m angry. This should be the policy of the US dept of defense and state in both military and economic matters. Trade first and foremost but backed with force and will. We should all be using exactly the same political approach to judging Biden as POTUS as was the norm for Trump. Call out failures, tone, reputation, implications of decisions l… Dems and Media have no credibility because of the blatant double standards, racist policies, duplicitous doublespeak , weak globalist America last approach and general delusional rose colored lenses. Just trust them they say. Show respect they say.
Trust and Respect are granted when earned and only after they are given. That ship has sadly sailed and conservatives are left to deplorably cling to our guns, religion, and local communities. We will save America from the bottom up. Freely. Bravely. 20 years. America’s longest war. Americans fleeing for lives and evacuating in face of a terrorist fundamentalist enemy = Failure
We could have accomplished THIS outcome a decade ago, maybe more. #idiotsincharge wrong side of every foreign affairs and military policy position for 40 years. Great job Joe… and Democrats and Dem voters. Showing weakness and claiming moral superiority while failing miserably is the Dem way. We all (entire world) lose with this sort of outcome, but particularly the Americans who lost their lives in Afghanistan since ~2008 or so…. Shameful reality. Cases counts and variant fear are useless at this point. We all get sick regularly and we all have immune systems. Responsibility for our health is individual period. Death is a reality that we all will face. There is no mask for this. We all die. I am shocked at how few are willing to live these insane days. Get your vaccine and stay home if you are at risk.
Ignore the fear agenda from the media and political science fanatics. Following a science and real analytical model over the naive emotional, and manipulative anecdotal narrative approach is required. Protect yourself and we will all prosper. Period. The metrics to be concerned about are hospitalization (if there are capacity concerns) and death (if above the normative causes). These SHOULD define the state of emergency. Remember #flattenthecurve. Even the #idiotsincharge knew this originally but they have now become drunk on their control power and the politics of policy which has new teeth due to the medical authority fear mongering. Get vaccinated if you and your doctor agree. Wear a mask if you choose. REJECT mandates and medical authoritarianism. The liberal communists are in charge of the papers and major media and most of govt. they don’t control everything yet. Time to stand up is now. Act like you Live in the land of the free and the home of the brave or soon you won’t. Originally written in 2016– Despite all of the condescending rhetoric, I and my conservative friends are not ashamed or morally compromised in any way because of our conservative beliefs and positions. (from small govt, to limited spending, to personal accountability, and restrictions on abortion) Shocking as it may seem to my liberal friends, we actually believe that we are right. No political party holds the moral high ground... there may be no such thing in politics... Framing every argument as though your position is the only morally acceptable one is highly offensive and only furthers the very division and demagoguery which you espouse to stand against.
Government has long proven that it is ineffective and incapable of legislating morality and in most cases... even basic human decency. The system is a failure... but it happens to be the best in the world... which says very little in the end. Results matter. History and legacy matter. Honor, honesty and civility matter. America matters. Individual lives, liberty and ideas matter. Collectivist ideas... are a wasteland of corruption, division, argument and historic failure. Liars have no place in leadership. Great speeches and great results are rarely the same thing. #WakeUpAmerica Your local and state governments have the most real impact on your lives... Do you even know who your real leaders are? because it isn't those #IdiotsInCharge in Washington... Their role in our lives is to keep us safe, and protect the union... and they are terrible at it. Figure our what YOUR principles are and stand for them... Enough of this personality politics bunk... it only brings us all down. #RANT #RonaRant
If you want the vaccine get it. If you want to wear a mask wear it. If you want to socially distance and disinfect surfaces do it. Everyone should be washing their hands a lot more regardless— Anyone that is concerned about Rona has the means to protect themselves reasonably. The pandemic is over because we all have mitigation measures and options. The state emergency requiring the mandatory actions and restrictions on citizens and businesses MUST stop. Most citizens I know who can have already discarded the ridiculous yoke of the govt and accepted that they have no real faith in the proclamations of the public health system. We never had much faith in the politicians, and bureaucrats and the last 18mos has effectively proved out our cynicism. They failed and continue to do so. We the people are in charge if we choose to be. The sheeple will always follow. As to specific friends, family, neighbors, citizens… Enough with the do your part, wear your mask, sanctimonious autocracy. I repeat, protect yourself and leave me and like minded libertarians ALONE. Let’s get on with fighting over normal stuff. Church pews, music, carpets, taxes, oppression of entire populations by socialist tyranny, genocide, hunger, climate change policy, murder, violence, guns…. There are plenty of choices. Happy Birthday America. Celebrate. Rejoice. Live freely! Today, we may be old, bent, and even busted up in places but WE remain the greatest country in the world.
We celebrate the blessing it is to be a citizen here. We sing the star spangled banner, fly the flags, revere and respect while protecting our liberty and the responsibility that comes with it. It is all quite Astounding to consider. May God continue to bless America and all Americans. #Justsing My country tis of thee America God bless America Star spangled banner This land is your land Battle hymn of the republic O Shenandoah Proud to be an American 🇺🇸 Lock the entire country down for over a year, scaring the bejesus out of the entire population. Keep them from grieving deaths, going to church work and school … even doctors, and seeing family who are “protected” somehow even when sick and in the hospital and then start a national movement to defund/dismantle the police, while opening borders to drugs, all manner of immigrants and who knows what else, all while installing a puppet/useless figurehead as the “President” —- crime goes up exponentially, children and families are torn apart, deaths and mental health are out of control…. Illegal gun violence is exploding…
This is the greater good?! What did you think would happen? A lot of us have been screaming that these policies are shameful a and ridiculous until we can’t scream anymore. Your “good intentions” and snowflake lunacy chickens are coming home to roost. This mess is not on us. I blame you #idiotsincharge What is the plan of the Dems in power… nationally, state, locally? Blame Trump? Spend another Couple trillion $, save the 🌎 with a green new deal? Take away guns from the only people left who will have power to defend themselves? VillifyThe law abiding, Rule of law, cling to our guns and religion deplorables. Yeah! Good luck with that. #HumpdayRant Turn on those pipelines. Let the fuel flow. Energy makes the world move. Reality check.
It’s too late of course. Prices up. Inflation up. Taxes up. Who is in charge? Credit goes where credit is due. There is a lot of animosity in the minds of a lot of parents who are watching school systems and government fail our children and create totally unnecessary stress and deep distrust for competency of so many teachers and administrators.
We see the futile policies, the bias and political decisons and the stark differences between results and messaging. Families are still being destroyed by the bureaucrats in the name of the utopian greater good. We see these decisions. We won’t forget. The excuses are no longer working. I see students in open states being given better opportunities, better education, and better examples for living. It is shameful that Virginia is not leading… not in safety. Not in liberty. Not in education. Not at all. Lord Northam and his blackface clan have planted the seeds of incompetence and dependence and now the system is proceeding to fail over and over and over. The animosity is here. It is seething just below the surface with so many. Even the looney liberals can only say “they are doing the best they can” so many times before it is recognized as a trope and useless drivel. The conservative views and approach to liberty and empowerment with protest in the face of power… in word and deed is superior. We must use the system and act swiftly to save a generation of students and ourselves with them. Results are required. Lack of results require changes. Status quo is not the way forward. Too much has changed. Too much is at stake. It always was. CYA medicine is not science.
CDC guidelines are just that. Now that govt is regularly enshrining pseudoscience unspecific drivel into law, the number of criminals will radically increase. Overreach requires protest The pandemic response was never meant to get US to zero risk. This bar is ridiculous. The guidelines and practical implications of restrictions must be balanced and they are not. I long ago projected a protracted useless extension of governing regulation due to the #idiotsincharge. Sadly I was and am correct. Rip off the mask of politico-medical Utopianism now. Reject these insane autocratic recurring control cycles. Get your vaccine after consulting with your doctor. Ignore the media and political messaging and presidential posturing. Educate yourself and live your life. Most importantly, enable your children to live their lives. They are not at a material risk. In reality, they never were. Sing. Play. Hug. Socialize. Do not wait for permission to get on with life. You do NOT need permission to celebrate Independence Day or any other day. The only opinions that really matter are those with standing and agency. In a court, it is the jury not the judge. In a governing body for our form of representative democracy , it is the representative not the individual citizen. In the executive branches it is the officer and the elected decision maker (governor) who is accountable.
Individuals can and should say what they want. Influence matters. In the end, it is the vote, not the noise that tells the truth and determines outcomes. The protests and riots and television/news broadcasts are informational NOT deliberative. Discerning intent is complex and virtually impossible in so many cases. The mob mentality being supported by fear and inflamed rhetoric is troubling and damaging to all of US. Educate yourself. Live your life. If and when you sit on the jury, or in the leadership seat, do your duty and decide to deliberate well. Our world 🌎 literally depends on it all too often these days. Gun violence is a national crisis. Law abiding gun owning citizens are not the perpetrators. We are not even major contributors. We are simply the only viable target available to a ruling political class bent on virtue signaling over virtue.
To fight an epidemic you must target and eradicate the source first and foremost. Any solution must be rooted in policing criminals, transforming mental health solutions/care, and teaching firearm safety. This futile exercise in creating more and more laws to restrict those who already follow the law is deplorable and misguided. It will have no material effect on the epidemic. The parallels to lockdown mentality and subservient citizens is unavoidable. The only option available is a “we will not comply” movement. This will create more law breakers not less. The #idiotsincharge are playing more and more games with the politics of power and control, manipulating emotions of the weak. When they fail to affect the gun violence with their new lockdown logic(as they did with The 2020+ lockdowns) what will we do and say? That is the question. Palm Sunday reminds me that Triumphal entry celebrations can turn to vicious ego and power driven public executions in a matter of days. Who leads the charge? It is almost always the pious posing puritan pseudo protectors of the greater good.
Let me be clear. President Biden is definitely not okay. I watched that press conference and it was obvious. I don’t know for sure who is running the executive branch but it is not him. My guess: whoever wrote the cards for him knows who is really leading the country and they aren’t going to tell anyone.
Also, WTH is going on with “holding” facilities on the border. There is obviously a crisis as VP Harris was assigned to solve it... seems to me that the “no transparency/media allowed” policy is also a crisis. No one is assigned to that one and the media is useless. The orange man bad model now equals old man good. The stark difference in the reporting lens for each is harming the country. Americans are suffering. Job #1 for POTUS should be the citizens of the US. The globalist autocratic moral busybodies are the king #idiotsincharge these days. |
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