The presidential elections cycle has hit its final window of emotional insanity. If you believe that real world relationships are more important than elections, then now is the time to USE THE SNOOZE. Your friends and family are entitled to different views. They may even have radically different views. Your relationship with them is far more important than an election, and the only solution is to work together for a brighter future. Being right is not enough. Don't allow policy disagreements and governing decisions to permanently break the ties that bind. Social media monetization is built around getting US to engage and often fighting is the most profitable method. You can be part of the solution. Read, scroll on.. and when you decide.. USE THE SNOOZE. This is the way to circle back to smiles and fellowship.
Listen. -- needs to be clarified.
Listen... to the voice which tells you what you can be, what you can do. Listen to the voice which explains how and when and why. Listen most of all to the voice which shows you the way in action, sacrifices, and accomplishments. Do not listen to the voice which highlights your failures. Do not listen to the voice which applauds itself for its greatness. Do not listen to the voice which speaks the same tired semantics in the same scenarios, oblivious to its own demise. Listening is harder when talking. Consider to whom you listen carefully. Consider the impact of your actions and inactions even more carefully. 2020 is the year where each of us plays a massive game of 52 card pickup with all of the things and people we take for granted. Some cards are lost, some are bent and broken and some of them are burned up in the fires of cancel/condemnation. Jokers wild doesn’t help much.
How can we as business and community leaders change things in our capitalist system to be more equitable across demographic segments including race, nationality, education, and geography?
Access to capital and customers is the life blood of trade and progress. As trade increases, context is provided for relationships, and community is a natural outcome. Trade is the natural opposition to violence and conflict. Local businesses, owned by local people, buying and selling to local diversity is key. If you want to make a change, provide capital and customers to minority owned and operated businesses. We must STOP waiting for the government to use force to impose equality. Force requires using division to enforce a bureaucratic equity that is too rigid to evolve and succeed. It always fails. People working with people is how things get done and how change occurs. LOCAL LOCAL LOCAL x1000. Capital $ and Customers ;-) It is easy to find people and things to hate. It is even easier when our world view is based on victimization and comparison. This hatred often flows into violence and oppression.
Newsflash: the solution is NEVER more hate. Violence is a symptom of the hatred not a solution. Loving and serving in a world based on individual accountability, honor, and respect is not a utopian dream. It is achievable here and now. Every day is an opportunity. Every person is a specific, beloved, first born child of Christ. When we start acting like it, things change. "Tebow extended peace and BLM extends judgment and division, not unity. Black lives matter. Free speech matters. Prayer matters. Sports and entertainment matter. But at the end of the day, at the end of life, I believe it is one’s faith that truly matters." brilliant and elegant analysis. -- From Julie Boltz..
Today's NFL and pretty much all of the sports "protests" are driving people apart.. not bringing them together. Why.. because there is no faith at the center. Big things are managed by little things. Big problems are solved by many little solutions. There is no easy button and there is no magic bullet. Do the work. Make good decisions. Good BIG things will happen. Keep your eyes on the right prize. This is a big thing.
Luke 16:8-18 MSG [8-9] … God Sees Behind Appearances [10-13] Jesus went on to make these comments: If you're honest in small things, you'll be honest in big things; If you're a crook in small things, you'll be a crook in big things. If you're not honest in small jobs, who will put you in charge of the store? No worker can serve two bosses: He'll either hate the first and love the second Or adore the first and despise the second. You can't serve both God and the Bank. [14-18] When the Pharisees, a money-obsessed bunch, heard him say these things, they rolled their eyes, dismissing him as hopelessly out of touch. So Jesus spoke to them: “You are masters at making yourselves look good in front of others, but God knows what’s behind the appearance. … I just watched Bob Woodward speak with Dana Perino and provide overwhelming evidence that he is suffering from TDS. I’m wondering if he got a payout from the dems for becoming an active campaigner. What would Bill Bradley, legendary editor of Post think about Woodward’s conclusion?
Proud to have spent the day with such a fabulous team of Help4School volunteers. The collaboration and communication was astounding. Complex problems have complex solutions. Period. There is no middle ground and our problems with virtual schooling are far deeper than technology. The pain cut to the core of our culture and exposes priorities and choices with unprecedented ferocity. We the people must stand up and choose to change for our future. Everything has changed and the change is permanent. We are not going back. Where are we going exactly? That is a great question. I believe it is all about small group accountability in organic growth and education pods. MicroSchools built and supported by landing zones and central facilities. This fundamental shift is profound and will be costly in every sense. We can use this pop up model to support and encourage organic institutional flexibility from the bottom up. Top down is effectively dying. IMO.
Teaching and teachers are essential. What we are doing now is leaving too many behind. We can do education and inspiration differently. We must do education and inspiration differently. Our youngest generations lives are at stake and ours with them. You choose whether you focus on what you can do... or what you can't do. Words have power. Are you so tired, so sore, or so sleepy... or are you focused on how you can be less tired, less sore... less sleepy. Be better. Don't seek affirmation for failing in others. Be inspired by achievements of others. Be more than you are. Choose what you tell yourself and others.
We live in a country where far too many are addicted to anxiety, fear, dependency, and victimization. Faith and choices focused on God and service to others is a proven therapeutic and it vaccinates and empowers US in community. We must choose to love and serve others above self. That will change everything. Peacefully.
Leading includes managing panic and optics and tone actively. Drawing a causal connection to more deaths because of Trump’s decisions and actions is ridiculous politics.
It is deplorable and naive to state that “Trump lied and people died.” The panic and fear kill and the ramifications of the humanitarian crisis are just beginning. Since we are now doing counterfactuals... in retrospect... if Hilary had been in charge things would have been very different and radically worse... such is the way of liars and losers and cowards. Trump is none of those things. With Biden it would have been far far worse. No closed borders in Feb and March is just as a start to how bad things could have been. And to be clear, there is much we could have done better. But hindsight is 2020. Always has been... Actual leaders know this. from Dave Foreman on FB “so Donald Trump made some comments to Bob Woodward in March/April and now everyone is going nuts. Right. I was doing a LOT of analysis back then on who said what when. The CDC, WHO, and government and private groups were desperately trying to make sense of things. EVERYONE was overreacting on too little factual information out of an abundance of caution. What was said one day was contradicted a week or a month later. The president said in a short conversation that the virus was more deadly than the flu and also said he was downplaying it because he did not want to create a panic. THAT IS HIS JOB. Presidents are responsible for managing the mood of the country as the facts unfold. Anyone who tries to act like they 'knew' what was happening is exaggerating. When you are shutting down air travel to other countries, contemplating the death of 2 million of your citizens, and don't really understand the disease yet because your medical team doesn't you say things to calm and sometimes manipulate the public. Remember that the people that want universal masks now were saying we didn't need then then - BECAUSE WE DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH PPE AND WANTED MEDICAL PEOPLE TO HAVE THE INVENTORY. We have tens of thousands of ventilators now that may never be used because we thought we needed them. I get that if you want to defeat Trump in November or you can't stand the man ANYTHING will be a great reason to further your position. That does not, however, make it true. Various governors and Senators and Mayors said a lot of contradictory things around the same time. That is what panic does.“ If you have decided that you are right, but you no longer feel a need to listen to anyone else then in reality, YOU ARE WRONG. Additionally, if you feel the need to demagogue and disparage others without any sense of civility, you are WRONG. Being right is NOT enough. It never was, it never will be. This is a huge problem on the left and the right. By Lonnie Bullock..
As we move into early voting and the last few weeks before the election, I have been thinking often about the filters I use in selecting the person I will vote for. Beyond party alignment, beyond fear, beyond media hype, beyond the deception of advertising, I find myself asking, "What will influence my decision when I mark my ballot?" Here are some of the filters I am using to determine my vote: 1. I am a Christian who values the teachings of the Bible so that is my first filter. 2. I have and will forever be a defender and voice for the unborn. I will never silence by voice by voting for a person who devalues the life of the unborn. 3. I value our history of being a republic of states, united under one constitution. 4. I believe government should be as small as possible and exists to serve the people not for the people to serve the government. 5. I believe all people are created equal and should not be used as pawns to accomplish political agendas. 6. I believe in capitalism and that government exists to encourage private ownership and not government control. 7. I believe those who have much, much is required as individuals find ways to serve the community. 8. I value religious freedom and believe the church is essential to the health of communities and our nation. 9. I value law and order equally administered and enforced. 10. I will support those who best match my filter and who love their country. I am proud to be an American and am excited to participate in our great democracy by voting. I encourage all of you who live in America to do the same. The choir and collective singing is in the heart of worship. It is powerful, indicting, and comforting, but not always comfortable. Your congregation is essentially a choir. The recent pandemic crisis has restricted almost all communal singing due to the numbers, aerosol science speculations, fear, and the reality that Covid is a serious and dangerous disease for many choral singers due to age, comorbidity and a whole series of issues and complications born out of congregating together.
Is worship suffering? Yes it is. Are churches growing in the midst of this crisis? Not in nickels and noses that I can see. but maybe in other ways. My premise is that the absence of congregational and choral singing has reminded us all of how important worship is to our wellbeing. It also exposes a critical gap in many churches engagement models. Fellowship, Sunday School for kids and adults, Bible Study, and Service projects are the lifeblood of our churches.. Worship is a reflection of service.. in a service. It is the lens, the metric, to evaluate our health. When we are faithful and submit to serve and love others… Worship will showcase our hearts. We must sing together and share songs. This is about more than physical singing. It is about example. Singing is uncomfortable for many because it is an outward and public sharing of heart. This exposes us, and makes us vulnerable. We are so lucky that God covers us. Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you. For the Record... Black Lives Matter. I stand with my black, brown and other friends against hatred and bigotry...
as to BLM... -- that organization is a seditious, disaster area, Petri dish for violence and victimization culture...that is dead wrong in its view of family and community. The communist and utopian idealism driving insane ideas such as #defundthepolice MUST be opposed in principle... peacefully, with honor and dignity. This is very hard to do when mob rule reigns and groups of activists allow themselves to be corrupted into violence against property AND fellow citizens by agitators... It is impossible to discuss honestly even in principle when so many black Americans are being killed by other non-white Americans... It must stop. Everyone agrees that Black lives matter. BLM should NOT matter. It is a virus that is destroying lives, families, and communities everywhere that it rises. That is a fact. Even as a 50 year old white man... I AM allowed to oppose the BLM organization and its actions... AND still support the statement that black lives matter. I am millions like me am not the enemy but I will fight you if you threaten me, my family or friends. That is an issue at our core. This is a free country, and it will stay that way, unless the BLM organization gets its way... Then, all bets are off... Breaking news! It really is September First. The world continues to turn. God is in control, and we are all going to be okay.
Also.. don't be fooled by the media and politicians.. every election is important.. every single one. Principles and Platforms are the game.. not the individuals. Experience teaches us this. The seasons continue, and we the people are just that.. people. GOD HAS GOT THIS! Romans 8:28 NIV And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Weakness incites violence. Strength does not. Violence takes many forms. Physical, economic, semantics.
Politics and our system of government provides a peaceful way to manage the people and the diverse ideas while respecting their strength. The idea that we would no longer have blue states and red states was idyllic and perhaps even utopian, but clearly unrealistic anytime soon if ever. Unity does not require uniformity when strength and honor reign. |
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