The thing about war of any type. Violent. Economic. Semantics. — there are always casualties. If a fight is required then the only option is to Win (your side still has operations integrity and fewer casualties) or concede and walk away because the cost is too high. It is shocking how close we are to war all too often. Cold or Hot. Both have real loss.
Quote of the day. “People in the bubble have no concept of what it is like to be poor.”
They literally can not conceive of the severity of the problems for internet usage and virtual schooling and the fear associated with feeding a family in the middle of this economic catastrophe. Poor people are not dumb. They have often made bad decisions and are in a bad spot. They are not dumb and they are not lazy. They do need some help, but not at the cost of their dignity. How do you do what others say can’t be done? Hint: it doesn’t happen by hiding in fear or seeking to fit in.
1. decide to embrace your vision and path. 2. develop a platform of support. People, processes, tools. 3. Acquire capital. Money and knowledge. 4. begin small and then scale, adjusting all along the way. Prove, adapt and improve. 5. Seek more support and embrace your heart and mind. Execute the plan. 6. Celebrate and repeat. Civil failures of multi-decade liberal strongholds are in full display: violent crime, crime, policing, housing, public services infrastructure, poverty, equitable education access, public health policy - respect for rule of law. — these are primarily the responsibility of state and local governments. #NYC #CA #Minneapolis #DC #Chicago #Baltimore #LA #SanFrancisco #SantaMonica #Philly #Detroit
when a party, an ideology, a governor and a mayor who have been in charge for decades duck and divert attention— blaming Feds??? , THIS SHOULD spark a protest and popular uprising. Those in charge of actual execution have shirked responsibility for too long. I pray that we the people will take a hard look at policies based on results rather than intentions and emotional rhetoric. Wormtongues are toxic but they are most toxic in leadership when they are allowed to influence the people so directly. Blaming POTUS is a sad attempt to blameshift for local political gain. Feds can do some things but most of the big complex problems are local. It assumes that the people are not educated, incapable of surviving and thriving, and dependent( socialist) reality is proving that one size does not fit all. Never did. Never will. #Federalism and StatesRights are Right on. Get to work folks. Governors. Mayors. Councils. Supervisors. Trust the government they said. They are looking out for you they said. They know best they said.
And then... POOF! The tinder box illusion of controlling Americans exploded. Only individuals and communities can decide what their priorities are in the end. Right to assemble and free speech is now a priority when it wasn’t only a few weeks ago?! Are the protestors killing their grandparents and communities now? I submit that the USA 🇺🇸 must be open again. Immediately. It already is in reality. When the people can’t breathe, they will rise up. DEATH cannot be avoided.. it can only be managed. I CHOOSE LIFE and LIVING into a hopeful future, over this media driven panic that is overwhelming society right now. And THAT, is all I have to say about that… FOR NOW. I did the math in the PDF below... and I'm using that logic for me and my family going forward. Roughly.. 99.9% chance of surviving right now... and maybe even higher depending... on DATA. Just imagine.. THIS chance is without modern medicine, herd immunity, mitigation.. etc.. If you don't like my numbers.. do your own. STAND UP AMERICANS.. and think/act for yourself. This dependency model on politicians and media, is pathetic and toxic to life. ![]()
There are a lot of people worried about censorship on FB and YouTube. I’m one of them. Also: consider that Google is the real information broker. They “censor” and promote content? Of course they do. And most would never even know it. HOW exactly will you get info if the search engines went “offline”. Consider your data consumption and curating plans carefully. Things could change in the blink of an eye. Preparation is best.
The monopoly on information access and connectivity is a major danger in a world in crisis. Recognize and confront reality. Things are not okay.
Why? If they ARE okay.. then you don’t need a change.. but awareness is the beginning.. Decide that you will be different… Say it out loud. Pray about it. Keep saying it. Keep discussing it. Learn how to be “different”. Study who is doing it well… and document what they are doing that is different from me? Where am I aligned.. Develop a priority model to enable you to qualify and “score” activities and plans against your new “different: Enlist friends and colleagues as accountability partners.. neutral voices… to help you assess progress.. honestly.. objectively. Measure EVERYTHING that you identified in your learning stage… Constantly reevaluate priorities and actions against results.. Is the needle moving? Be prepared for successes and setbacks. Keep and INVEST - MAINTAIN - RETIRE list… for friends.. activities.. food even jobs, careers, and hobbies.. Your success is about what you say NO to.. It is not possible to do everything.. and/or be everything.. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS… and then adjust.. Repeat all of the steps… every day… every week.. every month? … and check progress.. Celebrate your successes.. and learn from your failures… |
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