This is why you MUST test daily weekly and anytime your overseers dictate.
If the powers that be can focus the population on tests then they can control you via administrative policy. Enforcement will of course be executed by non MD administrative functions. This is lunacy as it disintermediates medical professionals. Public health policy politicians that essentially ignore the impacts to mental health, cancer screenings, trust in medical establishment/system, access and hospital hesitancy, in favor of do what I say demigod delusions are a scourge upon the world. They prioritize the many over the few and they fail. The arbitrary and often wrong POLICY perpetrated by pseudo professionals is pathetic and the people must reject it. We need courageous doctors who care ultimately about their local patients first and foremost. Their individual patients always come first. Our MDs must stand against this idiocy. The reporting is a big rub as well. Testing is only helpful en masse if it includes reporting. The public should not be reporting directly to the govt on private health information. This only feeds the disease which is the fear and foolish control policies ignoring the real total impact to the public’s health. NIH, CDC and Government Public Health guidance is best consumed and managed by doctors, NOT the general public via media and social media. Public health politicians are drunk and addicted to power and money given to them by a panicked fearful population. The Solution? Ignore them and strengthen your relationship with your doctor. Local local. Local.
Trying to quantify my disappointment in the public schools is seemingly impossible. Just when I think they can’t do any worse, another dysfunctional decision and approach is made clear. The equation seems to be designed to continue checking the existence box regardless of any measurable success criteria. Parents MUST retake control of their children’s education at all costs.
I recognize that a lot of those teachers are doing the very best that they can. It is simply NOT good enough. A man is forced by mandate to get an injection for which there is NO medical need. Non compliance will cost him his job. This is not a valid choice for most. Sacrificing livelihood which provides for family and life is blackmail. It is immoral and wrong. It is deplorable and despicable.
If you support this and are willing to force compliance in spite of logic and the science you should be ashamed and you can barely cause yourself a free American. There is risk. There are consequences. You are indirectly responsible for this crap if it goes badly. When the choice was removed using the force of government contracts you were made culpable. I know of a case where the medical potential for harm is actually significantly greater than the benefit. Medical exemption denied. The mandate doesn’t care. The job is required for the future. The only choice is compliance. This is not honorable leadership, policy or example by the president of the United States. Shame on the defenders of this authoritarian insanity. Thus endeth the rant. I’m furious. The patriot act and the virtually unilateral authorization to use force waging war after 9/11 were both tragic attacks on liberty and freedom. On this 20th anniversary of the inciting event I ask my fellow Americans to remember these failures and the role they played in our 20 year journey into soft totalitarianism collectivism. We allowed this March. Biden’s ineptitude and exploitation of his expansive power is a logical consequence that many of us saw coming and have fought publicly. Failing due to the fearful and often ill informed populace.
We all pay the price. Those lost heroically on 9/11 deserve better. To change things, solve the problem in front of you. Directly in front of you, in your house, neighborhood, church, with friends and family. Don’t complain about it. Start solving now. One little decision at a time. One person at a time. Local. Local. Local. Disassociate from chronic problem makers in favor of solvers.
Big Bang - One size fits all solutions do not exist. How do you get what you want? First you must decide what you want. If you truly want to change something, decide and get to work. What problem are you solving? Exactly. Specifically. Locally. FYI- in a free society you don’t get to tell/command others’ priorities. Everyone has their own problems. If your solution is to tell others what to do, you are exercising control and likely tyranny. That is simple reality for all of us. If you don’t have s solution to a problem, get to work. Educate yourself. Live your life. No one is coming to save you or do your work for you. Finding a team and a cohort, a brotherhood is a difficult things in a world full of problems. Everyone has to play their part. Many of us, spoke up passionately and vehemently condemning the protests and violence of the past year. I again condemn the protests and violence of today. The sides don’t matter. The emotions are strikingly similar. The results of our collective lack of action and appeasement have proven to be tragic and so very sad. The pursuit of uniformity is utopia and ridiculous. We CAN and must embrace a unity of purpose that binds US rather than divides us.
Quoting President Elect Biden, “enough is enough”... I add that enough was enough long ago. To mask it not to mask is a straw man for the real questions. Individuals are talking past one another. The answers to the real questions are fire to the current powers. No side has acceptable healing answers for the wounds of mask v nomask
Can I force YOU via public humiliation and scorn to comply with the public opinion. Answer: YES is the popular response as you would expect. Can YOU choose to stand and be counted on defending principles of liberty in the face of friends and family who are afraid? Answer: YES. Are their consequences to defying popular public opinion? YES. Am I allowed to act in a way that YOU disapprove of? YES for now. Is there a defined boundary for medical authoritarian orders implemented by governing authorities for the greater good? NO - even the Bill of rights is being squashed at the state and local levels... CHURCHES are fearful to defy the government and are choosing to impose restrictions(which is their right) succumbing to tyranny of the minority and majority simultaneously. The members’ rights are non existent beyond attend or not, give or not... this is not new but it is unfortunate. All of this bothers me deeply as I’m committed to individual liberty. Merging medical and legal authority in a collective politically charged environment is a disaster for everyone. Is there a way to go back? The answer appears to be NO. Are there lines that I will not cross and are they getting close. YES. — unity of purpose is hard enough. Uniformity of action is utopian. If your premise requires ALL to comply then it is unachievable in a free society and indeed silly, naive, and utterly useless.
It is done now. Recovering from the sound and fury is not simple and everyone does it differently. Our societal leaders rang the fear bell in March. We the people responded and hid away from life and one another. We denied our basic needs for community and faith and fellowship and embraced FEAR as our overseer. Authoritarian tendencies were encouraged because it was for the greater good, for public health, to save our most at risk, to save ourselves.
we the people are now afraid. Our fragile hold on trusting one another has been ripped away in most cases. Instead we now rely on the TV, on the Internet, on the government. Dictators and authoritarians know that fear binds us. They use it to manipulate and control us. It is then followed by force. The solution to the sound of fear is the liberty bell. We stand up and sing together of our faith in God, and one another. We must embrace our lives and living in place of fear. We cannot unring the fear bell that our #idiotsincharge rang so recklessly but we can stand together and ring a whole chorus of bells into the future filled with faith, hope, and love. The fear is always there but it can be overcome with faith. Lord Northam ... week ago. Would not consider a regionalized strategy assisting western and southern VA... he said that politics would divide his beloved commonwealth and it was not safe.
-->> Today(now) - Will allow NOVA to be considered separately from the rest of the state. Here is hoping ALL of my NOVA friends come to SWVA to visit, shop, and seek entertainment. True southerners welcome you. Bless your hearts. When we in SWVA speak, he disregards utterly. When NOVA speaks(Dems) — he steps up and salutes, changing direction. His floor is only hard if you disagree. This flip flop behavior is so typical of Dems and it IS DEPLORABLE. Politics of regions only matter to those in charge... Dems must be ejected for western and southern va to ever have a chance at prospering. Lord Northam is concerned about his control over regions, not the citizen’ safety or “unity” - Lots of talk about toxic leadership communications and styles... in governments, companies, teams, even churches and families: themes are the same
my definition and thoughts: doing more harm than good with no positive outlook or plans on display... it is like fighting a disease... you can’t kill the patient while you make them more healthy... and what definition of healthy is valid? Organizations and governments are organisms. Living and breathing. See the systems. See the leaders. See the levers of change and gauge words and actions... Principles and practice merge into plans which must improve results. To leaders everywhere. In order to get what you want, first you must know what you want. Then start pulling levers. Don’t destroy divide and diminish unless you plan to kill the patient or have a path to recovery laid out. #leadersermons Board/Team/Leadership/Session/Council meetings must be inspired small group discussions about growth rather than large gatherings of disinterested people listening to staff reports. — time is a precious asset. Some maintenance-operations must be managed in meetings, but plans AND RESULTS need to qualified and quantified against investment-mission-growth.
Staff focuses on operations and execution. “Executive” Leadership focuses on mission and evaluating results and the right mix of assets is in the tank to ensure that the engine is efficiently powering ahead. Will the engine handle the rough road ahead? Are you spending any time truly assessing the steps ahead against the roads already taken? |
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October 2022
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