Church leaders and members. Let’s come to grips with what virtual church 2020 is. Your staff is producing a 30-60 minute weekly TV show for you with a full on participatory expectation. It must be designed and engineered so that you, the “members” can consume it on a television set, a PC, an iPad, an iPhone or any of a myriad of Android devices all concurrently and still be available asynchronously. In the near future this exercise will include alignment and integration with live in person on premise services and connections to ongoing online engagement via the web page and meeting/collaboration demands. The audio/visual/networking demands are staggering.
Are you providing your staff the tools and support that they need? Does this new delivery expectation have the people you need for content creation and execution? Skills? To sustain? - Who is doing all of this WORK? These are serious questions. Thriving churches will answer them now before the crisis.
Trust the government they said. They are looking out for you they said. They know best they said.
And then... POOF! The tinder box illusion of controlling Americans exploded. Only individuals and communities can decide what their priorities are in the end. Right to assemble and free speech is now a priority when it wasn’t only a few weeks ago?! Are the protestors killing their grandparents and communities now? I submit that the USA 🇺🇸 must be open again. Immediately. It already is in reality. When the people can’t breathe, they will rise up. The stark reality is that each of us IS a journalist and a news contributor and an editor in the social media infused frenzy of the 21st century. We are curating our feeds and our contacts and presenting our daily editions with content. The platforms of social media are an exceptional megaphone for free speech. Only the individual can decide what is or is not appropriate for their mind feed intake channel.
As in all things, some are more skilled that others but the tiered value system has yet to fully evolve. Twitter and FB models which monetize the person as the product and then censor the content reach based on the “platform” editorial and political view are a disaster. The ensuing echo chamber segregation is destroying lives and families and communities and remaking the world. I want to hear what people say and think. I don’t care what the platform thinks I should hear. To submit to this ongoing filtering is anathema to authentic dialogue and freedom. The best ideas, managed well, succeed at scale and duration. Only individual skills and local communities based on shared context with relationships pass the gating criteria for phase future. The governor of Va has used his executive order “power” to execute what little remaining solidarity there was in the Commonwealth of Va. His mask mandate is an unnecessary, too late, political stunt that will likely blow up all of us. Businesses are now placed into the position of policing an immoral and ill conceived policy(not a law). Their customer base will focus on the useless mask as a token in place of relationships, community and services. The businesses are forced to stand and be counted as they comply with a one size fits all approach. Lord Northam is wrong to do this to our state. His DCCC handlers are pulling the strings and sacrificing him to their cause. The leftist central planning view is the only chance they have to fight the right way. I pray that liberty minded Virginians will recognize this agenda.
as to businesses, if they require a mask and deny services... that is their right and choice. They will suffer the immediate and local consequences for their decisions. The path from the governor is clear. The people must choose and they will. In the short term, our division is now on display and tensions will only inflame the wounds. What is happening in Minnesota does not automatically equate to my community and neighborhood. I know my neighbors. I know the police in my area. The rush to assign intention and correlation and destroy local and private facility must be limited. Talk to people. Ask questions. Remove the fear and we can make progress together.
The national and global narrative is important but local is exponentially more important. Each of us is responsible for our behavior and our community. New normal. Online speech is not free speech. This is particularly true if your speech is not in line with the editors’ political views. Perhaps this has long been the case with journalism, letters to the editor, and talk shows, but Twitter and FB are now raising the message control game to a new level. We the people don’t seem to understand the principles of free speech and the implications of allowing this message management.
Imagine if the social media platforms decided that coverage of riots was not appropriate for the greater good. What if we aren’t allowed to hear and see what the government or police are doing? Free speech is messy and even dangerous, but it is free. The alternative is unthinkable. We the people can educate ourselves and choose how we proceed. If we do not, the messaging overlords will do it for us. This idea is deplorable. I didn’t know the man. I wish I had. I wish I had been with him when he was killed. I wish that someone had stood for him with him when it mattered most. I am angry and deeply saddened that this tragedy occurred.
I didn’t know the man. I wish I had. I’m not sure it matters now. My covenant with my country is to stand and be counted as a brother against the tyranny and abuse of power. I believe that many have a sickness in their soul ls which allows them to dehumanize others. It allows them to deign to rule over those that they deem lesser. Race is one in a long list of inequities that we the people seem incapable of remedying. You may have solutions for the system. I think they will all fail. Only hearts and relationships can change our culture. God is at the center of our repentance and HE is the center of His solution. My solution is to pray and serve others. To pray and serve together with others. To pray and serve God first and foremost. I don’t know the men and women that I will serve and serve with, but I will soon enough. I am sorry that I didn’t know George. be. Love serve. Repeat. The 2020 surveillance state in public is a good thing. Video is the most reliable way to capture events for the record. The sheer volume of mobile devices and cameras in the US forces us to consider our actions and choices. We the people can judge for ourselves in many cases. This is good. We have no expectation of privacy in public and on social media. The quality of mobile device video has improved so dramatically that we can all contribute to the record in a meaningful way. Authority figures and bullies are held accountable as it should be.
if we can develop more respect for one another this won’t be an issue. Public is public. Each of us should now consider ourselves “armed” with the ability to record. Each of us must assume that we are being recorded. I’m armed in other ways as well when I’m in public. You should be too. It makes us all safer. #1A #2A What is for thee, is not for me. I wasn't prepared. BTW, I'm still not.. I haven't been tested even though I'm an MD... briefing the public, but I can't explain the legal issues to you. We will need to take the details offline and engage the lawyers. Wear a face mask unless youre eating in a restaurant or exercising... and police will not enforce this. The VDH has the ball... That is all. wait. Let me be clear that I have no idea what I'm doing, I'll need to call my DCCC handlers to explain the details to you. #idiotincharge the good news is that I'm now creating an environment where my morally superior supporters can turn on their fellow virginians openly. Because the left is all that is really protecting VA from the right way.
Paraphrased with full humor that is not funny after the GovVa Covid 19 conference on 5/26 When people out there can’t reason anymore they start calling you fat. This is their way to feel superior in their intellectual deficit. What is particularly deplorable, is when adults go after kids and family publicly.
The pain that these deplorables must have felt all their lives must be excruciating for them to be so rude and vicious to other humans. It is hard to keep from despising them. Generational discrimination is passed down indeed and it crosses racial boundaries. Like a virus. CleverSnark is the currency of social media. Coupled with SmugSnark is it common and usually unattractive. It is entertaining and mean spirited all too often and the bite can hurt.
Quoting and thinking of great friends and great sacrifice. I give thanks on this Memorial Day and I choose to live into a hopeful and faith filled future.
“I for one will not live in fear of meeting or hugging or dining together or laying on hands to pray... I will honor those who died for my freedom by being free to weigh risk and act accordingly.” MommaY “I am the Good Shepherd. I know my own sheep and my own sheep know me. In the same way, the Father knows me and I know the Father. I put the sheep before myself, sacrificing myself if necessary. You need to know that I have other sheep in addition to those in this pen. I need to gather and bring them, too. They’ll also recognize my voice. Then it will be one flock, one Shepherd. This is why the Father loves me: because I freely lay down my life. And so I am free to take it up again. No one takes it from me. I lay it down of my own free will. I have the right to lay it down; I also have the right to take it up again. I received this authority personally from my Father.” John 10:14-18 MSG We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal... — that creation and equality is derived from God not govt— Declaration of Independence is about liberty, the American constitution restricts the government not the individual. #FundamentalPrinciples matter. How to be a trusted advisor. Know how to do things. Teach well. Communicate broadly. Commit to results. #SkinInGame integrity coupled with knowledge and experience changes the game. From companies to churches to families and friends.
Talk is cheap. Results at scale over duration showcase true professionals and expose the pretenders. I am pleased that churches are being ALLOWED to reopen their physical facilities. If Walmart, Lowe’s, and food stores can be operated safely, Churches and schools can as well. The arbitrary lockdown for the greater good has passed its time of effectiveness.
Reality is that Elderly, and At Risk members of churches must decide for themselves what the priorities are. We ALL must do this without judgment and condemnation. To continue to lockdown and isolate the healthy and low risk majority is not sustainable or reasonable by my standards. Worship and community fellowship is ESSENTIAL to life. Period. This is how it has always been and how it will always be. You choose what you do and how you do it when free will is prioritized. I wonder how many of our issues are truly geopolitical. I don’t think most are so concerned about society and justice and the world. I think most of us just want to fit in and be allowed to take care of ourselves. We all want a tribe and a cohort to pursue a purpose.
Global solidarity is not high on my list. It is above my pay grade. I focus on things I can actually affect. Local. Local. Local. Even national politics are only interesting as they apply to me and my community. I will help others but I will limit that help as my top priority is my family and my community. EVERY TEACHER IN THE USA should have a LAPTOP, and internet access provided as part of the National response to the Covid19 crisis. Doesn't need to be one size fits all. They are working NOW.. just let them choose how to continue and fund it. Reward what works, incentive the innovators... and roll forward. It is ridiculous to expect them to teach and navigate online with old, overly controlled and utterly mismanaged IT gear.. from their homes. Distance learning and collaboration are now a GIVEN... they need the tools. It is up to the local school boards, and states to MAKE THIS HAPPEN.. BEFORE they attempt to restart in Fall or next year. Clock is ticking. IT Professionals assemble... school districts.. pay them.. and MAKE IT HAPPEN.
When you have had Covid19... as a family... AND you recognize that fear is more deadly than the virus itself, but noone in the media is talking about it with any fair and balanced perspective.
THX to Luis and BTW 21 for this interview and honest discussion. Not everyone has the ability to look ahead and see what is coming. Caution is appropriate but life is not fair or safe in reality. The sooner that each of us accepts and begins managing this reality mentally and physically, the better off we will be. World views matter. Money runs out and when it does, life becomes traumatic and dangerous.
2 Thessalonians 3:5-10 NLT [5] … An Exhortation to Proper Living [6] And now, dear brothers and sisters, we give you this command in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ: Stay away from all believers who live idle lives and don't follow the tradition they received from us. [7] For you know that you ought to imitate us. We were not idle when we were with you. [8] We never accepted food from anyone without paying for it. We worked hard day and night so we would not be a burden to any of you. [9] We certainly had the right to ask you to feed us, but we wanted to give you an example to follow. [10] Even while we were with you, we gave you this command: “Those unwilling to work will not get to eat.” … My beautiful daughter and her wonderful friends “graduated” from Wake Forest University virtually last night. I am so proud of them and at the same time my heart is heavy. Their senior year of college was dramatically devastated with this fear mongering social distancing reality that has befallen us all. My expectations, and theirs, were cast aside out of an abundance of caution. Time will tell us the value of our choices.
That is my message to Emma and her fabulous friends. You are well prepared to continue on your journey. You have the ability to choose your way and make your life. Choosing WFU was wise. We all step into a collective future based on our preparations. I am sorry that we as a society were not better prepared for this crisis. Even in crisis, our love for your is not diminished, and there will be so many great times ahead. My heart is heavy for what could have been, but that is at it has always been and always will be because hindsight is 2020. The future belongs to you who choose to step up and fly despite the weight of what could have been. I pray that each of you will soar like eagles. Majestically, powerfully, with sharp claws, eyes, and powerful wings. Go Deacs! Diseases. Not new.
Death. Not new. Partisan division demagoguery and misinformation dissemination. Not new. Americans celebrating their utter dependence and conformity to “the government” - experts, leaders, academics... NEW My country and world view is built on a foundation of self reliance, work ethic, faith in God, and an overwhelming desire to better myself in pursuit of success. The descent into dependency and fear over the past months is staggering. We the people have allowed and encouraged a narrative which preaches that contact with neighbors and family will literally kill you. The pervasive spirit as of May 16 is that the government will save you if you just follow the rules. Government leaders do NOT know the answers nor the way forward for me and my family. I am not dependent on them, they are dependent on me. This paradigm shift is core to the American dream. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.... give me liberty or give me death... Why are 300 million Americans acting like sheep? They have forgotten what it means to BE American. Our wealth and entitlement lifestyle has insidiously infected us with a self focused fear. In place of rugged individualism, we the people now lift up and celebrate conformity, collectivism, and consumerism as the apex of a fallen culture. This is not American. This is not the way. I will not comply. Perhaps I never really did, but at least I see more clearly now. The future is built on faith and family and Americans acting like Americans, taking care of one another, stepping up boldly and leading the world. sheeple, snowflakes, Karens, and cowards should step aside and follow. American? Yes, yes I am and I approve this message. Most of us are feeling disconnected lately. We must choose to connect and give control over to God to move ahead. As we connect with God we can do anything and connect with those around us. Family. Friends. Neighbors. And total strangers. Even enemies. - apart from God we remain isolated, useless, foolish and sad... reveling in fear and empty things. Worship is a starting point. It is a sustaining process. It is the destination as well and salvation is assured. Don’t miss out by embracing isolation and fear. Choose to connect and live. Ask Jesus into your heart and live with him. It is scary, but it is Awesomeness.
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